Most of the Fund’s grants to ordinands in training are in respect of the purchase of books. However, in exceptional cases we may be able to assist with course fees and costs. We also offer some support to overseas ordinands. Applicants must be committed to the traditional catholic understanding of the priesthood and episcopate.
¶ Book Grants……. ¶ Support for Overseas Ordinands ……. ¶ Help with Course Fees and Costs

Book Grants
The Fund’s book grants to ordinands in training are intended to assist them in assembling a library of theological books which will have lasting value for life-long study and reference, and to support the recipients’ ministry of preaching and teaching. The book grant limit is currently set at £500 per annum.
Grants are not given for:
- ephemeral publications
- books from course reading lists, if they are likely to be of only short-term use
- liturgical books designed for use in worship (as distinct from books about liturgy and worship);
- books that have been purchased before an application has been approved.
A booklist must be submitted, showing for each title the author, publisher, and approximate cost. The trustees reserve the right to remove books that they do not consider to be of lasting value or that otherwise do not meet the criteria above, or to ask for a fresh list. Where books are required for a particularly specialized or unusual area of study, an accompanying letter explaining the choices may be helpful.
Applications from ordinands will not be considered until they have been in training for at least a term. A brief reference from a tutor confirming that the applicant is in good standing with the college or course is required.
Applicants must be committed to the traditional catholic understanding of the priesthood and the episcopate. They are asked to submit a brief ecclesiological statement expressing their understanding of the place of the Church of England (or the Anglican church to which they belong) within the Universal Church, and also to show evidence that they belong to the tradition that the Fund exists to support. A reference confirming this is also required.
Applications will only be considered if both references have been received. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that they are submitted to the Clerk.
Successful applicants will be reimbursed with the cost of books purchased on submission of receipts. Book grants lapse if not taken up within six months.
Ordinands who are awarded a book grant may apply for a further grant in each subsequent year of pre-ordination training. Further references etc. are not required, but a brief progress report should be submitted each year with a booklist. Applicants in their final year of pre-ordination training are also asked to provide a description of the parish where they are to serve, if known.
After ordination beneficiaries may be considered for a further book grant of £350 during their first year of ordained ministry. Further references are not required, but applicants are asked to provide the trustees with a brief description of the parish in which they serve, and an honest appraisal of their diocese’s IME provision.
Beneficiaries are asked to send an Ember Card to the Clerk so that the Trustees may pray for them when they are about to be ordained.
The deadlines for applications are published here.
Overseas Ordinands
A proportion of the Fund’s annual income is allocated for the support of ordinands in Anglo-Catholic dioceses overseas – principally in Central Africa, West Africa and Tanzania. Grants may be sought in respect of seminary fees or books. Applications must be made to the Clerk by the ordinands’ bishop by email, in respect of named applicants.
Course Fees and Costs
Where Church of England ordinands who fall within the Fund’s remit are undertaking academic study during their training for which the Church of England does not cover the costs, it may be possible for the Fund to assist. An approach should be made to the Clerk by their college or course principal in the first instance.