In recent decades the Fund has broadened its trustee body and further expanded its remit.

After Sir Geoffrey Evans ceased to be General Secretary of the Church Union in 1978 he continued as Clerk to the Cleaver Trustees for a short time. In 1979 he was succeeded by the Revd Jeremy Haselock, who was probably the first Clerk not to be a Church Union staff member.

Miss Shirley Dex was appointed as the first female Trustee in 1990. In 2001, Mrs Daphne Brotherton, who had been appointed as a Trustee in 1994, was elected as the first female Chairman. Mrs Margaret Laird OBE was appointed as a Trustee in 2001. Since then the six lay Trustees have always included three women.

In October 2002 it was agreed that there should be a Vice-Chairman, and that Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen should hold office initially for five years, with the option of two further periods of three years, up to a maximum of eleven years. In 2003 Miss Dex was elected as the first Vice-Chairman.

From 2005 onwards, the Fund has offered grants to clergy who have been ordained for ten or  more years, to pay for books and/or library membership, as a way of encouraging continuing study.

The Trustees agreed in July 2010 that Trustees should in future retire on reaching the age of 80.

Since 2012 the Trustees have given grants to support potential ordinands on Pastoral Assistant schemes that involve directed study. Such schemes have had a positive impact on the numbers of vocations to the priesthood in the catholic tradition.

Mrs Daphne Brotherton, Chairman, 2001-2013


The Revd Canon Prof. J. Roy Porter, who retired as Chairman and as a Trustee in 2001, died on 31 December 2006, aged 85. He left a legacy to the Fund. At their meeting on 14 July 2008 the Trustees decided to use this to establish a distinct fund, the Roy Porter Fund. Initially this was used to pay for an annual study day for ordinands and deacons at Pusey House, Oxford, which included the following Roy Porter Lectures:


The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell
‘On Being Catholic: Anglican and Ecumenical Perspectives’


The Rt Revd Paul Richardson
‘Christian Witness and the Myth of the Naked Public Square’


The Rt Revd Dr John Hind
‘Quo Vadis: The Petrine Ministry in an Ecumenical Context’


The Rt Revd Dr Martin Warner
‘Isaiah’s Lamb’


The Revd Canon Jonathan Goodall
‘Such a Long Journey: Canterbury, Rome and Orthodoxy and the Path of Communion’


The Revd Prof. David Brown
‘A Sacramental World: Why does it Matter?’


Dr Catherine Pickstock
‘Sense and Sacrament’


The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell
‘Death, Funerals and the Christian Hope’

Since 2015 the Roy Porter Fund has been designated to be applied in support of ordinands and clergy from the overseas provinces of the Anglican Communion.

The following study days have been held since 2015:


At All Saints, Margaret Street, following a requiem mass
marking the centenary of Mrs Swinburne’s death and the inception of the Fund
The Revd Dr Robert Beaken
‘A Snapshot of Anglo-Catholicism in 1916’


At Pusey House, Oxford
The Revd Dr Robert Mackley
‘Anglican Catholicity before Anglo-Catholicism’


At Pusey House, Oxford
The Revd Dr Peter Anthony
‘Interpreting Vision: Patristic Perspectives on the Transfiguration Narratives’

Officers of the Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund since 1976

The Revd and Worshipful E. Garth Moore DCL

The Revd Canon Prof. J. Roy Porter

Mrs Daphne Brotherton

Dr Colin Podmore MBE

The Revd Dr Peter Anthony

(to 1988)




(since 2023)

Miss Shirley Dex
The Revd Dr Peter Anthony


The Ven. Michael Hodgins
Mr Charles Brown
Mr David Llewelyn Morgan
Mr Michael Cooper

(to 1987)
(since 2015)

Lt. Gen. Sir Geoffrey Evans
The Revd (later Canon) Jeremy Haselock
The Revd Dr Peter Lynn
The Revd John Hanks
Mr Thomas Middleton
The Revd Dr Harri Williams

(since 2020)

Prof. J. Roy Porter, Chairman, 1988-2001